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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Kinds of Gods

The Donkey is the god of Labor.
The Octopus is the god of Dance.
The Pig is the god of Humility.
Man is the god of Dominance.

The Ant is the god of Behavior.
The Mosquito is the God of Death.
The Dog is the god of Compromise.
Woman is the god of Man.

The Cockroach is the god of Fear.
The Snake is the god of Intoxication.
Cat is the god of Survival.
Child is a god of Woman.

The Tree is the god of Life.
The Flower is god of Attraction.
Star is god of Direction.
The Cow is god of a Mother.
The Lion is god of Expression.

The Consciousness is god of Stone.
The Stone is god of Energy.
Energy is god of Blood.
Blood is god of the Mosquito.