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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Revolutionary Democratic Movement

End Woes.
Every citizen of the world is confronted with a woe that has some or the other 'political' connection, that every human has discomfort crediting to some leader whom they chose if they are so called Democratic. The woes of the poor of being removed rather than Poverty being removed. The woes of the rich of being increasingly denied happiness, are in perpetual war with the system you have created.

Rule of Each.
The Divine Roman king, and all the nomenclature associated with rule refers to one master under whom the system and societies function. Ideally it should be that Societies function under Systems, Systems under Constitution and Constitution under Principle. Humans, be it the divine ruler, the jester or the prostitute ought to be under societies. No human to be above the Principle.

Principle, Constitution and Behavior.
PCB are the three foci around which a civilized society should be viewed from. What is the principle of the society, what constitution has been framed to achieve the objectives desired by the principle and what behavior the society exhibits. When the behavior, constitution and principle are unambiguously in line with each other- the state is called Utopia or Firdaus.

In Indian context, the conflict has arrived predominantly because the Constitution and Behavior do not tally with each other, reason being that in the constitution, there is a specific provision that allows each and every citizen of the country to stand up in elections, however the practices inhibit this provision. Not only in India, every country in the world is passing through suffering, wherein the system is working favorably for 1% and the rest 99% are attempting to create a place for themselves- surviving, struggling and disturbed.

Negate Conspiracy or Incapability
In India, the constitution states that each citizen has the right to contest in elections, however the following conditions be met:
1. The person desirous of standing as a representative must deposit US$ 200.00 to obtain the candidature form.
2. The person must have atleast 10 other persons backing his candidature.
3. There should be a symbol available for the person to advertise her availability to the masses.

In a land where 27% people live below poverty line, meaning that their household income is less than $50.00 per month, the conspiracy to filter participation of individuals into running the government was formed so that only those who are born with privileges can appear to manage the society, regardless of if nature did provide any wisdom or heart to a tribal, or a farmer or a handicap- to that he may not have a say in the way the funds and resources she generates because the constitution was framed by those who had the privileges, as each one who held the chair had an incentive to earn from it.

Since many, regardless of whether they are below or above poverty line, the qualification to rule is Money, so the incentive to rule is not welfare, but Material pleasures. Hence welfare is besides the point, what counts is how much I can pocket.

Equal Opportunity.
Inclusive democracy means that each constituent derives proportional benefits on basis of his endeavors and contributions to the society, but on whom no binding condition is imposed that there is a privilege she may not be able to avail since it is beyond the usual means and norms, and since it should be discouraged, for there are people who think that everybody should not have a say in how I use their funds.

When I rule, I command funds in form of Taxes, about 30% the value of a earning individual. Should I allow the say of the person whom I am taxing because she may object if I want to deposit the interest on that tax in my Swiss account.

Maximum, not Majority or Minority.
Our ideal government will be the process that underscores the participation of each Voter, as carrying weight of judgement to choose a decision, offer alternatives and conclude, all through a Web based, Internet driven vehicle. Before I explain the method for the rule of each, let me show you what is the rule of maximum.

In the conventional democracy, Minority has at least 3 candidates who vie for consent from others, in Majority, it has exactly two. In majority system, 51:49 vote will have the former prevail, in minority the tendency is to arrive at majority by coalitions, so as to achieve the technical qualification to provide what should happen, however our philosophy states the rule of maximum, which is stated under.

Imagine if there are 100 people in a society, each has the right to Contest and right to Vote. Each person has a single vote which she can cast in anybody's favor, including himself. 99 persons cast the vote for themselves, stating that their decision should prevail, however 1 person casts his vote for another person, which takes two votes for one of the 100 people. In this circumstance, the one person has sacrificed her personal interest in favor of somebody she trusts can take a better judgment. Here, the most capable person to prevail is the one who got two votes. Therefore, though the person who got two votes is in minority, but still he is the most capable as judgment is made by a person who herself had the ability to decide, but chose somebody else instead. Unless she had the right to decide, she is yet not empowered, and thus since she practices her discretion, not that she was bound to elect somebody else but she chose willingly.

Socialism, not Imperialism
The rule of process states that no law should come into force without consent of the prevailing maximum. That we have to motivate people to vote and follow a cause, educate, train and empower them to decide, rather than providing them a decision. To provide an option to a person to choose a circumstance, rather that to give no option but to accept the circumstance I create. The role of the divine king was to create such rules, however since Internet was not prevalent then, the advantage is profound now for those who have suffered since centuries.

Floating Decisions.
There are two sides of a person- Character and Decision. A person with a good character may sometimes take a wrong decision, but a series of profoundly wrong decisions indicate that the person has a negative character. The internet based process driven decentralized rule will enable each citizen of the world to propose an alternative for an issue for which she feels about, and any other person can ally and provide support for his cause. So, what you will see in the e-governance website is an issue- say Nuclear Disarmament. A citizen states that India should systematically reduce its nuclear stockpile within next 2 years. Another says not. Another says else. The ability of each to provide alternative, or suggestion is undermined unless each has the capability, opportunity and desire for contesting elections. Once a person's point of view is available on the website, any other person can endorse it. The prevailing decision will be one that has maximum endorsement, until the time the maximum shifts to another decision.

With the internet bases approach, the officers of government will seek approval from other affected people of their actions, visible online to everybody. It will then not be a difficult situation to fathom who has failed and who has kept the promises. Therefore, the number of people, nature of people and who is supporting a cause and another person is clearly visible and therefore, both the Character and the Decisions of an officer are credited.

Dilute Reservation.
When we talk about no reservation, we forget the dynasties who have ruled the world who supply the chair of leadership to the un-meritous sibling, son, daughter, cousin, partner, friend or concubine of the person already on chair. This is Reservation. If one is not able to deny the seat of Decision to the unworthy regardless of the royal blood but based purely on Merit, then one cannot deny the seat to the Castes who are scheduled for reservations because these castes were created for sustaining the Royal blood line.

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